miércoles, 27 de junio de 2018

My favourite meal

Hello everyone, today our topic is FOOD♥. I really love food, I like coocking it and eating it.
I don't really have a favoutite meal, it depends on the occasion, who made it, my mood, the wather, etc. 
If I think like foodie. My grandmother cook the best pizzas and bread. My boyfriend cook really good "porotos con riendas" and "calzones rotos". And my sister, even when she doesn´t cook often, cook perfect fries. I have my favourite meal  for every cook.
When I think like a cook, my  favourite recipes are all vegan: hummus, falafel cinnamon rolls and ratatouille. This are cheap and easy recipies, everyone can cook it. When I cook this dishes I don´t tell people that are vegan food, until they taste them, because many people have prejudices. A lot of people think that vegan food is unsavory, flavorless or boring. I want to change people's minds. I want to prove that vegan food can be delicious. With vegetables, legumes and condiments anyone can cook a healthy and tasty meal.
I cooked ratatouille for christmas. I celebrated it with my family (meat lovers). Everyone enjoy the meal and some of my relatives ask me for the recipe. In internet you can find many ways to cook it, the recipe I follow is : 




-1 large eggplant 
-1 zucchini
-1 large tomato
-1 green pepper 
-1 red pepper 
-2 cloves of garlic 
- olive oil 
- salt, pepper 
- Herbs: Parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil 


We will start with the eggplant, wash it well, remove the top part and cut it into slices. Between half and one centimeter is a suitable thickness.We are going to leave the slices of eggplant in water for 15-20 minutes. They'll lose that bitter touch they have, and then we drain them well.
We'll do the same with the zucchini, tomato and peppers , wash it, remove the stem and cut into slices of the same previous thickness.Peel the garlic cloves and chop them finely. Reserve them for later.
Light the oven and put it at 180ºC .Pour some virgin olive oil in the bottom of the oven tray, and on top of it place layers of vegetables
Add a good amount of herbs, a little salt and chopped parsley together with the garlic that we had previously chopped. You can also do this by mixing a little virgin olive oil with herbs and garlic. You should try that all the slices are impregnated
Put the Ratatouille in the oven and let it bake for half an hour
We recommend do not eat it freshly made,  leave it to rest. The flavor will be more intense, and it stays perfectly in the refrigerator for several days. 

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018


For the majority, the main topic this year has been feminism. In my case, I declare myself as feminist since I knew what it means (I don’t remember when it was, but I think I was around twelve years old). So feminism is not a new topic for me and I already wrote about related topics: abortion and stereotypes.
So that's why I'm going to write about my second main topic for this year: "environmentalism".
Environmentalism, animalism and having an eco-friendly lifestyle are becoming more and more important for me.
It is clear that climate change is happening. We all can see the melting of the polar ice and the deforestation. It is more common to see new animals in danger of extinction (the last ones in danger are giraffes). 
I wanted to be part of the "solution", so I started being vegetarian two years ago. Then I make a vermicomposter for reduce organic waste (it is a serie of boxes where earthworm eats organic waste and produces a nutritional planting soil named hummus) and started to recycle part of my garbage. Today, I’m trying to reduce the amount of garbage that I produce; I'm using reusable bags and reusable bottles. I’m avoiding straws and plastic cup covers. Also, I’m trying to shop less, in general.

In other words, I’m trying to live according the three R's rule: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

My last project is being volunteer in the rehabilitation center for wildlife (CRSF). If you are interested, you may visit the webpage:  http://www.codeff.cl/crfs-codeff/

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Keeping updated

For the health-related students and professionals is very important keep updated with the latest knowlege. The dental field is not an exception. The odontology is changing every day as biomedical technology is evolving We should be updated with the new treatments, materials, health programs and more. Personally, I use google scholar or books when I want to have a general idea about a topic. This are very useful when we have to learn fundamental concepts and basic sciences (Biology, chemistry, anatomy, etc.). When I want to find the latest investigation about a patology or treatment, I use pubmed or scielo. In pubmed exist lots of papers, that’s why we must learn how to search in this webpage . Most of the investigation are in english, we should choose the highest level of evidence (meta-analysis and systematic reviews), prioritize investigations made in the last five years and define keywords. Scielo is similar but has more latin-american research.
In our dental program, we have courses to learn how to make a good bibliographic review. We do it constantly and thus offer our patients the best treatment for each case. This is very helpful when we do our thesis project because make a research is not a new thing.