Hello again, in this second post, I'm going to tell you more about my academic life.
Like I told you last time, I went to a small school in La Florida, there I was a very good student - like a big fish in a small pond- and I liked so many subjects: math, biology, lenguage, etc, there was just one things I din't like: physics. So I was changing my mind all the way through school of what I want to study later: veterinary science, design, medicine, teaching, science - The only thing I was certain: I will study.- When I was in secundary school I got more interested in science and the healthcare, and I decided study odontology because it allows more flexible work schedules and it's well paid, my second options were became a nutritionist or biochemist.
I finished school and right away I entered in the program. It was hard at the beginnig, and I had to repeat a course (physics) but I adapted to the rigorousness.
It was all fine until the 4th year, when I started to take care of patients, then passing a course did not depend on yours abilities or effort, it depended on so many factor like patient's responsibility or third party's work. It was very tiring and stressful to me, but I could go through that and now I am doing the last two courses of the program.When I finish it I want to work with vulnerable people who don't have access of dental care and educate about oral health, I haven't decided if I want to study a specialty yet, maybe radiolgy.
I dream with live in a foreign country, that's why I start studying english, I hope it will open doors to me.
You are excellent in English. When you go abroad, can I go with you??