miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

My favourite technology device

Nowadays, the technoly is very important in our lifes and we use many technology devices to make easier our days.  I think my favourite piece of technology is smartphones because they are all-in-one devices. You carry them everytime and everywhere. Nowadays, you have a camera, notebook watch, map, minicomputer, and more in them , in your pocket.
I don't remember when I got my first smartphone, but my life at university would have been so much difficult without it. With my phone I can read every email, post or news inmediatly. Futhermore, it allows me to study anywhere I go without the need of carrying tons of papers and books.

It is very helpful in the daily life basis  and  it allows us to be connected with all the  world. But, smarthphones have disadvantages too, if we spend to much time in social media - for example- it could be an obstacule in our personal relationships. Nowadays, it is more and more common see people who cannot exist without looking at their phones every second or having a low battery anxiety. That´s why I try to set aside my mobile and share time with my family and friends without the temptation of social media.

3 comentarios:

  1. It's a truly amazing partner in our daily life basis but it's also a little terrifying to find out that without it... we practically can't liveeee. T.T
    Have a nice day!

  2. My mom thinks that smartphones are things of the devil hahaha but today they are necessary

  3. The smartphones are the salvation in the university, very necessary!
    Have a good day!
